Youth Art Month

Every March since 2015, in the darkest part of in the long winter, students participate in Trumansburg Education Foundation Youth Art Month, a series of special workshops for students from kindergarten through high school. In 2015, students worked on mosaics, and in 2016, students created all sizes of puppets. Youth Art Month culminates in the Community Art Auction, where students and local artists come together to sell their art to benefit the Foundation.


2018: Printmaking

The focus of 2018's Youth Art Month was printmaking. Kindergarteners, first graders, and second graders made sunprints. Grades 3 and 4 made printed bags. Middle School and High School students also participated in Youth Art Month activities, and all students showed their work in a school-wide Art Show Exhibition.

2016: Mosaics

Under the guidance of Ithaca Art Trail artist Denise Milito, students learned all about making mosaics. Elementary students created mosaic letters and stepping stones and middle school students participated in a mosaic workshop. High school students helped create a mosaic mural.